This is a part of IntraStage’s commitment to customer success, we implement a thorough process to ensure that, not only will the deployment be accomplished successfully, but that we also meet key business metrics and continue to be responsive to your companies needs.

The CSP emphasis is on providing an IntraStage Project Manager to help you and your employees achieve the goals for which the IntraStage software was acquired; as those goals are met, the Project Manager will work with your employees to identify new goals, as well as maintain and monitor performance on the original KPIs. Together we will sustain & monitor KPI’s

Throughout the CSP program the IntraStage Project Manager will monitor and track any changes in the KPIs; once these prioritized deliverables have been met IntraStage’s Project Manager will work with the Customer personnel to identify and metric new goals and KPIs. The Project Manager will discuss and escalate any mission-critical issues that could affect the Customer’s achievement of their defined goals.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”-Henry Ford