Accelerate Time-To-Market With Off-The-Shelf DVT and SVT Burndown Analytics

In electronics manufacturing, there’s currently a gap between test results traceability to Design Verification Test (DVT) and Software Verification Test (SVT) processes. In addition, program management doesn’t have on-demand visibility into the DVT and SVT progress they need to manage potential schedule slips.

Developing the burndown reports (which show testing progress versus requirements) program management needs takes significant engineering effort and time; that time means that a product is not going to market or customer as quickly as it otherwise could.

An ideal DVT and SVT solution for design engineers and management includes:

  • Real-time reporting into progression against requirements,
  • Track testing performance over time against requirements for a product in New Product Design (NPI),
  • Develop requirements for the product during full manufacturing,
  • Dynamically change reporting as requirements change,
  • Drill-through to test and parametric measurement performance for characterization,
  • Full traceability of coverage by serialized unit and by aggregate,
  • Ad-hoc testing against individual items in the master requirements definition,
  • Identify areas of failure and areas lacking test coverage,
  • The ability to integrate requirements to test results.
  • Automate Device History Records, unit history reports, and compliance reports
DVT and SVT Burndown Report
Off-The-Shelf DVT and SVT Burndown analytics

Customers of BlackBelt Fusion already utilize the above off-she-shelf burndown report to enhance the engineering team’s efficiency and effectiveness while giving improved visibility at the program management level. With this analytic and workflow, the engineering team  can concentrate on the testing process instead of taking up valuable time creating the report and analytics needed for visibility and compliance.

Since this workflow leverages our existing datamodel, ETL processes, and solid foundation in complex electronics test. Engineers no longer need to toil in spreadsheets and other analytic platforms; with a web interface that can be automated via subscriptions right to your email inbox, another barrier to time-to-market can be overcome.  Another important advantage of having this data into a digital thread in a cohesive manufacturing intelligence platform means that this data is not in a silo that’s inaccessible to the rest of operations and production engineers. By combining this data with the rest of your manufacturing, supplier quality, and repair/rework performance data, you can better identify which factors are affecting failure rates, manufacturing velocity, and quality.

And with that information, you can close the intelligence loop, and improve your processes, product design, and product quality all the more quickly and efficiently. Find out more by contacting us at to get a demonstration of this capability and value.